High Purity Lining Systems

For over forty-five years, Electro Chemical Manufacturing has provided ultra-high purity lining systems used today for the semiconductor, solar panel manufacturing, high purity chemical manufacturing and chemical transportation industries.

We work with chemical manufacturers, equipment producers and engineering and construction firms with end users who need to protect their processes from all traces of metal ions, silicate and particulate contamination. ECM’s experienced professionals and technicians work with you to find the best long-lasting fluoropolymer solution for your specific application.

As a full-range supplier of ultra high purity solutions, Electro Chemical remains committed to meeting specific fluid containment application requirements. Manufacturing with a wide selection of fluoropolymer and polymer materials ensures you get the best solution for your application.

Ultra Pure Lining Systems

Part Per Trillion purity can be achieved through proprietary ultra-pure fabrication processes in a Class 10,000 clean room. All welded seams are spark tested between 10,000 – 20,000 Volts DC, and the vessel is cleaned with electronic grade isopropyl alcohol, soaked and rinsed with ultra-pure 18 megohm de-ionized water.

ECM fluoropolymer solutions ensure the integrity of ultra-pure chemicals from the point of manufacture to the point of use. All fluid containment solutions meet the applicable ISO, IMO, USDOT and ASME Code Standards for transporting and storing bulk chemicals.

Quality assurance is provided through ISO-documented procedures and advanced helium leak testing capabilities.


Fluorpolymer linings are used to prevent metallic ion contamination of the high purity chemicals used in
the manufacture of semiconductors. This imporoves the quality and the manufacturing “yields” of the
semiconductor devices.

In semiconductor processing, Fluorpolymer materials like PFA (perfluoroalkoxy) and other specialized
resign linings may be used for protection of equipment and components to maintain purity and prevent

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