Heat Transfer Media

A key component to any regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) is using proper heat transfer media to mitigate potential problems while ensuring reliable, economical and safe operation. Our structured and random media can resolve your RTO problems, like pressure drop, energy usage, alkali attack, particulate accumulation or a combination of issues.

TER (Thermal Energy Recovery efficiency)

150 SCFM /ft2 200 SCFM /ft2 250 SCFM /ft2 300 SCFM /ft2 350 SCFM /ft2
FLEXERAMIC® 28 Structured Packing 95.54% 95.12% 94.77% 94.46% 94.19%
1" LPD® Random Packing 93.46% 92.86% 92.35% 91.91% 91.53%
1" FLEXISADDLE® Random Packing 93.46% 92.86% 92.35% 91.91% 91.53%

Pressure Drop (inches wc through inlet and outlet beds)

150 SCFM /ft2 200 SCFM /ft2 250 SCFM /ft2 300 SCFM /ft2 350 SCFM /ft2
FLEXERAMIC® 28 Structured Packing 3.8" 6.8" 10.6" 15.3" 20.9"
1" LPD® Random Packing 4.7" 8.3" 13.0" 18.8" 25.7"
1" FLEXISADDLE® Random Packing 5.9" 10.6" 16.6" 23.9" 32.6"

Conditions: based on two 8’ deep beds with 70°F inlet, 1500°F combustion, and 180 second switch time. Fuel is natural gas with 0% excess combustion air added.

Frequently Asked Questions

The media used in a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) consists of various ceramic packing materials or structured components which are placed inside the tower or chamber along with other engineered internal components. The selected RTO media creates a large surface area for heat exchange and pollutant absorption during the treatment of industrial exhaust gases. Proper media selection and placement promote efficient heat recovery and pollutant removal, which enables companies to meet emissions requirements

The types of media used in a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) typically include ceramic saddles, structured packing or other random packing materials. These media are used in the RTO bed to create a large surface area for heat exchange and pollutant removal during the treatment of industrial exhaust gases.

In the context of a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO), the media for heat transfer typically refers to the packing materials used within the RTO tower. These materials, such as random ceramic saddles or structured packing, are strategically arranged to facilitate efficient heat exchange between hot and cold gas streams. This serves the twin purpose of helping to preheat incoming pollutants while also reducing energy consumption during the oxidation process.

The choice of the best heat transfer medium for regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) depends on various factors such as operating temperature, specific application requirements and efficiency goals. The selection often involves consideration of materials such as ceramic saddles or structured metallic packing. These both serve to optimize heat exchange and thermal efficiency within the RTO system.

One disadvantage of structured metallic packing compared to ceramic saddles is that metallic materials are typically more susceptible to corrosion when exposed to certain aggressive or corrosive gases and environments. This susceptibility to corrosion can lead to a shorter lifespan and the need for more frequent replacement or maintenance of structured metallic packing, which can increase operational costs.

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